We are looking forward to being together in our Sanctuary to celebrate the New Year and observe our High Holy Days. This year, we are providing multi-access experiences so you can choose to participate in-person or virtually via LIVESTREAM.
Mishkan HaNefesh Machzor | High Holy Days Prayerbooks
We use the machzor (prayerbook) called Mishkan HaNefesh for our High Holy Days. If you choose to participate via LIVESTREAM this year and prefer to have a machzor in hand, please order a copy for yourself by clicking HERE.
We use the machzor (prayerbook) called Mishkan HaNefesh for our High Holy Days. If you choose to participate via LIVESTREAM this year and prefer to have a machzor in hand, please order a copy for yourself by clicking HERE.
High Holy Days Food Drive Information HERE
Bring non-perishable items and drop off in the large carts by the administrative entrance to the synagogue.
5785 Folio of Memory Form HERE
Please honor and remember your loved ones by including their names in our Yizkor Folio of Memory booklet that we distribute at our Yizkor service on Yom Kippur afternoon.
SELICHOT | Saturday, September 28
7:00pm Selichot Program w/ Oneg Sponsored by Shir Ami Men’s Club to follow
Strom Chapel | Elson Auditorium
Jewish Food for Thought: The Animated Series. Hanan Harchol is an Israeli born and New York based animator, artist, musician, and teacher. Among his work is a series of animated short films called Jewish Food for Thought: The Animated Series in which he teaches Jewish ethics through thought-provoking animated conversations between Harchol and his Israeli parents. Join us to watch and discuss a few of his short films. REGISTER HERE.
7:00pm Selichot Program w/ Oneg Sponsored by Shir Ami Men’s Club to follow
Strom Chapel | Elson Auditorium
Jewish Food for Thought: The Animated Series. Hanan Harchol is an Israeli born and New York based animator, artist, musician, and teacher. Among his work is a series of animated short films called Jewish Food for Thought: The Animated Series in which he teaches Jewish ethics through thought-provoking animated conversations between Harchol and his Israeli parents. Join us to watch and discuss a few of his short films. REGISTER HERE.
8:30pm Selichot Service with Bucks County Clergy Council
Strom Chapel
As we count down the days to Rosh Hashanah, join us for a special service that includes High Holy Day melodies, liturgy, and poems. We will also change our Torah mantles to their High Holy Days white during this service.
Our Selichot program and service this year will be in partnership with Bucks County synagogues and clergy.
Strom Chapel
As we count down the days to Rosh Hashanah, join us for a special service that includes High Holy Day melodies, liturgy, and poems. We will also change our Torah mantles to their High Holy Days white during this service.
Our Selichot program and service this year will be in partnership with Bucks County synagogues and clergy.
EREV ROSH HASHANAH | Wednesday, October 2
7:30pm Evening Service and Oneg
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream | Oneg in Stevens Atrium
Welcome 5785 with a contemporary service led by the Shir Ami clergy, accompanied by our Shir Ami Band, and a sermon delivered by Rabbi Eric Goldberg. Oneg to follow.
7:30pm Evening Service and Oneg
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream | Oneg in Stevens Atrium
Welcome 5785 with a contemporary service led by the Shir Ami clergy, accompanied by our Shir Ami Band, and a sermon delivered by Rabbi Eric Goldberg. Oneg to follow.
ROSH HASHANAH DAY I | Thursday, October 3
8:45am A Blessing for Newborns
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary
Anyone who welcomed a child into their lives this past year is invited to a special blessing for newborns.
8:45am A Blessing for Newborns
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary
Anyone who welcomed a child into their lives this past year is invited to a special blessing for newborns.
9:00am Shir Sprouts Rosh Hashanah Service and Oneg
Strom Chapel
Grab an egg shaker and celebrate Rosh Hashanah in an interactive and musical experience. Recommended for infants through 4 years old. (egg shakers provided). Siblings welcome.
9:00am Families with Young Children Service and Oneg
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary
An engaging service with music and a story, recommended for children in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade. Siblings welcome.
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary
An engaging service with music and a story, recommended for children in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade. Siblings welcome.
10:30am Rosh Hashanah Morning Service
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Our morning service features a blend of traditional and contemporary music by Shireinu,the Shir Ami Volunteer Choir and is suitable for families with elementary school-aged children and older. Sermon will be delivered by Rabbi Charles Briskin. During part of this service, SHAFTY teens, Rabbi Goldberg, and Ferne Levy will lead Rosh Hashanah-themed activities for 1st-5th graders.
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Our morning service features a blend of traditional and contemporary music by Shireinu,the Shir Ami Volunteer Choir and is suitable for families with elementary school-aged children and older. Sermon will be delivered by Rabbi Charles Briskin. During part of this service, SHAFTY teens, Rabbi Goldberg, and Ferne Levy will lead Rosh Hashanah-themed activities for 1st-5th graders.
2:30pm Nature Walk
Tyler State Park (meet at the boathouse), weather permitting
Join Rabbi Eric Goldberg for a relaxing and peaceful walk through Tyler State Park as we enter into 5785. Our time together will be a chance to (re)connect with each other, share our thoughts and dreams for the upcoming year, and enjoy the fresh air and beauty of the world around us.
Join Rabbi Eric Goldberg for a relaxing and peaceful walk through Tyler State Park as we enter into 5785. Our time together will be a chance to (re)connect with each other, share our thoughts and dreams for the upcoming year, and enjoy the fresh air and beauty of the world around us.
3:30pm Tashlich at Tyler State Park
Tyler State Park (meet at the boathouse), weather permitting
Join us for this ritual where we symbolically cast our sins from the past year into the flowing waters of the Neshaminy River.
Tyler State Park (meet at the boathouse), weather permitting
Join us for this ritual where we symbolically cast our sins from the past year into the flowing waters of the Neshaminy River.
ROSH HASHANAH DAY II | Friday, October 4
10am-12pm Songs & Prayer followed by Tikkun Olam Projects
Strom Chapel & Elson Auditorium
Celebrate the second day of Rosh Hashanah as a community of action and purpose with rituals and the sounding of the shofar. We will also engage in Tikkun Olam projects, including: painting rocks for our Biblical Garden and Kever Avot ceremony, making Rosh Hashanah cards for senior members of our community and creating back-to-school care packages to support the efforts of Mitzvah Circle. Family-friendly projects for parents/grandparents and their children, and for anyone who wants to help make a difference this year.
10am-12pm Songs & Prayer followed by Tikkun Olam Projects
Strom Chapel & Elson Auditorium
Celebrate the second day of Rosh Hashanah as a community of action and purpose with rituals and the sounding of the shofar. We will also engage in Tikkun Olam projects, including: painting rocks for our Biblical Garden and Kever Avot ceremony, making Rosh Hashanah cards for senior members of our community and creating back-to-school care packages to support the efforts of Mitzvah Circle. Family-friendly projects for parents/grandparents and their children, and for anyone who wants to help make a difference this year.
SHABBAT SHUVAH | Friday, October 4
7:00pm Shabbat Shuvah Service
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
During this reflective Shabbat service between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we will take time to dedicate new memorial plaques.
7:00pm Shabbat Shuvah Service
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
During this reflective Shabbat service between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we will take time to dedicate new memorial plaques.
KEVER AVOT SERVICES | Sunday, October 6
Kever Avot is an ancient Jewish custom where we visit cemeteries to remember our loved ones. During this brief ritual, we recite El Maleh Rachamim and Kaddish, and visit the gravesides of our beloveds. If you have a loved one at one of the memorial parks listed below, please join us for this brief and meaningful service. Locations may change last minute; look for directional arrows at the cemeteries.
10:00am Shalom Memorial Park with Rabbi Briskin (meet at the Holocaust memorial)
10:00am King David with Cantor Berlin (meet at the Temple Shalom Section)
11:30am Roosevelt Cemetery with Rabbi & Cantor (meet at the Mausoleum)
Kever Avot is an ancient Jewish custom where we visit cemeteries to remember our loved ones. During this brief ritual, we recite El Maleh Rachamim and Kaddish, and visit the gravesides of our beloveds. If you have a loved one at one of the memorial parks listed below, please join us for this brief and meaningful service. Locations may change last minute; look for directional arrows at the cemeteries.
10:00am Shalom Memorial Park with Rabbi Briskin (meet at the Holocaust memorial)
10:00am King David with Cantor Berlin (meet at the Temple Shalom Section)
11:30am Roosevelt Cemetery with Rabbi & Cantor (meet at the Mausoleum)
KOL NIDRE | Friday, October 11
7:30pm Kol Nidre Service
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Join us for this solemn and reflective service of the High Holy Days. The Kol Nidre service will feature the Past Presidents’ Torah Processional, Shireinu, our Shir Ami Volunteer Choir. and cellist Jason Calloway. Sermon delivered by
Rabbi Charles Briskin.
7:30pm Kol Nidre Service
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Join us for this solemn and reflective service of the High Holy Days. The Kol Nidre service will feature the Past Presidents’ Torah Processional, Shireinu, our Shir Ami Volunteer Choir. and cellist Jason Calloway. Sermon delivered by
Rabbi Charles Briskin.
YOM KIPPUR | Saturday, October 12
9:00am Shir Sprouts Yom Kippur Service
Strom Chapel
Grab an egg shaker and celebrate Yom Kippur in an interactive and musical experience. Recommended for infants through 4 years old. (egg shakers provided). Siblings welcome.
9:00am Shir Sprouts Yom Kippur Service
Strom Chapel
Grab an egg shaker and celebrate Yom Kippur in an interactive and musical experience. Recommended for infants through 4 years old. (egg shakers provided). Siblings welcome.
9:00am Families with Young Children Service
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary
An engaging service with music and a story, recommended for children in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade. Siblings welcome.
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary
An engaging service with music and a story, recommended for children in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade. Siblings welcome.
10:30am Yom Kippur Morning Service
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Our morning service features a blend of traditional and contemporary music by Shireinu, our Shir Ami Volunteer Choir, and is suitable for families with elementary school aged children and older. Sermon will be delivered by Rabbi Charles Briskin. During part of this service, SHAFTY teens, Rabbi Goldberg, and Ferne Levy will lead Yom Kippur-themed activities for 1st-5th graders in the Strom Chapel.
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Our morning service features a blend of traditional and contemporary music by Shireinu, our Shir Ami Volunteer Choir, and is suitable for families with elementary school aged children and older. Sermon will be delivered by Rabbi Charles Briskin. During part of this service, SHAFTY teens, Rabbi Goldberg, and Ferne Levy will lead Yom Kippur-themed activities for 1st-5th graders in the Strom Chapel.
12:45pm Israel Stories
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Since October 7, twenty Shir Ami members have visited Israel with Rabbi Briskin or Rabbi Goldberg to bear witness, volunteer, and show support. As we mark one year since the horrific attacks of 10/7, join us to hear our members’ stories.
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Since October 7, twenty Shir Ami members have visited Israel with Rabbi Briskin or Rabbi Goldberg to bear witness, volunteer, and show support. As we mark one year since the horrific attacks of 10/7, join us to hear our members’ stories.
2:00pm RAC-PA Study Session
Zoom Only
Join Rabbi Briskin and congregations and clergy throughout Pennsylvania for a study session exploring themes of lashon ha’rah (gossip and slander), civility among people with different opinions, and making space for all.
This is especially pertinent as we draw closer to the 2024 election.
Zoom Only
Join Rabbi Briskin and congregations and clergy throughout Pennsylvania for a study session exploring themes of lashon ha’rah (gossip and slander), civility among people with different opinions, and making space for all.
This is especially pertinent as we draw closer to the 2024 election.
2:00pm Afternoon Yom Kippur Service and Study Session
Strom Chapel | in person only
Join Rabbi Eric Goldberg for a modified afternoon mincha service featuring a blend of traditional and contemporary liturgy (from Mishkan HaNefesh) on the central themes of Yom Kippur. In addition we will read and study the afternoon Torah portion (the Holiness Code from the Book of Leviticus).
Strom Chapel | in person only
Join Rabbi Eric Goldberg for a modified afternoon mincha service featuring a blend of traditional and contemporary liturgy (from Mishkan HaNefesh) on the central themes of Yom Kippur. In addition we will read and study the afternoon Torah portion (the Holiness Code from the Book of Leviticus).
3:15pm Service of Healing and Hope
Strom Chapel | in person only
Yom Kippur is a time when we feel at our most broken and vulnerable. As we near the end of the day, we take time to offer reflections, prayers, and music of healing of mind, body, and spirit. Join Rabbi Briskin and Cantor Berlin, for a reflective and meditative service of healing. We will also provide an opportunity to share our own stories of healing.
Strom Chapel | in person only
Yom Kippur is a time when we feel at our most broken and vulnerable. As we near the end of the day, we take time to offer reflections, prayers, and music of healing of mind, body, and spirit. Join Rabbi Briskin and Cantor Berlin, for a reflective and meditative service of healing. We will also provide an opportunity to share our own stories of healing.
4:30pm Yizkor/Ne’ilah
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Join us for this powerful service during which we remember our loved ones and the impact that they had on our lives. Sermon delivered by Rabbi Elliot Strom.
After Yizkor, stay for the closing ritual of Ne’ilah, (beginning around 5:30pm), a beautiful way to conclude Yom Kippur, with a light oneg to follow. All those who own a shofar are welcome to join us on the bimah at the end of the Ne’ilah concluding service for one loud and final t’kiah g’dolah blast of the shofar.
Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream
Join us for this powerful service during which we remember our loved ones and the impact that they had on our lives. Sermon delivered by Rabbi Elliot Strom.
After Yizkor, stay for the closing ritual of Ne’ilah, (beginning around 5:30pm), a beautiful way to conclude Yom Kippur, with a light oneg to follow. All those who own a shofar are welcome to join us on the bimah at the end of the Ne’ilah concluding service for one loud and final t’kiah g’dolah blast of the shofar.
Guest passes are available for family members and out-of-town family guests. Please complete and submit this FORM to purchase guest passes.
IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF BABYSITTING to attend our traditional services, Shir Ami is happy to offer babysitting on Thursday, October 3rd for Rosh Hashanah and Saturday, October 12th for Yom Kippur during our morning services.
In order to ensure the safety of the children and to guarantee that we arrange for enough babysitters, advanced registration is required for each holiday. We cannot promise that we will be able to accommodate any families whose children are not pre-registered. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration closes on September 24th. Important to Note: Babysitting is available for children who are potty trained through first grade. Please note there will be a morning service on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for children in grades 1st - 5th. Parents of first graders should choose if they want their child to be pulled out to attend. REGISTER FOR BABYSITTING HERE.
Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784