Table Blessings (6:15pm) followed by HIAS Refugee Shabbat Services (6:30pm)
Friday, March 12, 2021 • 28 Adar 5781
6:15 PM - 8:00 PMZoomPlease register at this link. (Please note: you only need to register one time, not weekly.)
Shir Ami joins congregations throughout the country to observe HIAS Refugee Shabbat. We are pleased to
welcome our guest speaker, Cathryn Miller-Wilson Esq., Executive Director of HIAS-PA who will speak about
HIAS’ long history of helping to settle refugees, from Jews more than 100 years ago, to refugees and asylum
seekers from all over the world today.
HIAS was founded in 1881 as Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to assist Jews fleeing pogroms in Russia and
Eastern Europe, HIAS has touched the life of nearly every Jewish family in America and now welcomes all who
have fled persecution.
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