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Shir Ami Connects our Community in Special Ways


One of the most affirming characteristics about Shir Ami, is the vast number of social events and unique programs we provide for members of our congregation and their friends. We are of course a religious community when we come together to pray.  We also gather to learn, to do,  and to come together.  Here, social life includes everything from SHAFTY youth group activities of all ages, Sunday Senior Brunch entertainment, Saturday night fundraising events, interfaith study programs, Women of Shir Ami and Men's Club programing, social justice projects, baking for Oneg Shabbat...and much more.

Our Shir Ami social community is the sum of groups that represent the interests of every age, and sub-groups that continue to promote hobbies like mah jongg, theater, travel, and more.   There is always something happening for someone.

Get involved, be a bigger part.  Shir Ami welcomes you in any capacity you desire.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785