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2025 Shir Ami Community Yearbook

Once again, we'll celebrate our incredibly vibrant community with this great annual keepsake. It will be filled with our family entries like the ones you see below, and will also feature all of the fun we had at Shir Ami and our ELC over the past year.

Share a special message, your family photo, a note of decide!
Please select your yearbook page size below. Thank you for your Sponsorship.
Note: Deadline to submit is February 20th.
Yearbooks will be delivered to your home on March 9th with a delicious basket of Purim goodies!

Please upload your photo for the yearbook in the section below.


Need more time to find the words or that perfect picture?

If so, please press the SUBMIT button to reserve your space and we will follow up by email!

* Files accepted: .jpg, png, .tiff

*  Maximum characters 250 (including spaces) 


Save the Date: Shir Ami Adults Only Purim Spiel. A Night at the Movies - Saturday, March 15th! Register Here!

Don't Forget! Order your Hamantaschen and by February 20th. Order here.

You will be prompted for payment on the next screen.

*Please contact the office for alternative payment options.

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Sh'vat 5785