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Donations to Shir Ami can be made to honor the memory of a loved one, to celebrate a special occasion, show appreciation, or for any reason you feel appropriate.

Descriptions of our funds can be found below.


___  Rabbi Charles Briskin’s Discretionary Fund:  
This fund allows Rabbi Briskin, at his discretion, to provide emergency assistance/scholarships to congregants and others in need, supplement congregational programs in need of additional funding, and to support local, national, and international non-profit organizations.

___  Cantor Julie Berlin’s Discretionary Fund:  
This fund
is used to assist those in need, as well as to support community causes or worthy institutions at the discretion of the Cantor. In addition, the Fund is used for educational and musical activities at Shir Ami.

___  Rabbi Eric Goldberg’s Discretionary Fund:  
This fund is utilized by the Rabbi to assist those in need, for programming not covered by our budget or for Tikkun Olam. All expenditures are at his discretion.

___  Rabbi Emeritus Elliot Strom’s Discretionary Fund:  
Utilized by the Rabbi to assist those in need, for programming not covered by our budget or for Tikkun Olam. All expenditures are at his discretion.

___  Cantor Emeritus Mark Elson’s Discretionary Fund:  
Used to assist those in need, as well as to support community causes or worthy institutions at the discretion of the Cantor.


___  Anna Gever Music Shabbat:  
Interest on your donation supports our annual Gever Music Shabbat with extraordinary guest musical leaders.

___  Torah Commentary Donation Fund:   (minimum donation of $72.00)
This fund
provides for the purchase and maintenance of Torah commentaries for the synagogue.

___  Prayer Book Donation Fund:   (minimum donation of $54.00)
Provides for the purchase and maintenance of prayer books for the synagogue.

___  Rabbi Paula Goldberg's Honorary Chevrat Torah Fund:  
This fund supplements our Saturday morning Chevrat Torah service, including food, books, tallitot, and special speakers.

___  Marcia Abraham Fund for Jewish Life:  
This fund underwrites some Shir Ami programs


___  Beverly Spiegler Special Education Library Collection Fund:
Supports the purchase of special education materials for the Shir Ami Pressman Library.

___  Bob McGarry Adult Education Fund:
Provides books and other materials to support our Lifelong Learning programs.

___  Bobbi Slutzky Early Learning Center Scholarship:
Provides need-based scholarships for ELC tuition.

___  Israel Tiyul:
Defrays the cost of the Israel Trip for our 8th and 9th grade students so they can embrace the importance of supporting Israel.

___  Israel/Camp Scholarship:
Provides financial assistance for our children and teens to attend URJ-affiliated camps and NFTY programs in Israel.

___  Keepers-Jewish Excellence:  
Supports the important lifelong learning

___  The Pressman Library:
Purchases books and journals to maintain and enhance our library.

___  S.I.M.CH.A.:
Supports Judaic programming for individuals with special needs.

___  Slomovitz/Hudes Scholar-In-Residence Fund:
This fund supports our annual Scholar in Residence programs and weekends.

___  Temple Shalom Sisterhood Children's Fund:
For programs, materials or initiatives for our children that is not included in our annual budget.



___  Circle of Giving:    
This annul fund supports the entirety of Shir Ami's mission and values: Spiritual Growth, Learning, Social Life, and Making an Impact – wherever the need is greatest.

___  Men's Club Youth Scholarship:
This fund supports SHAFTY, youth programming and youth scholarships.

___  Oneg Shabbat Sponsorship:   (minimum donation of $54.00)
Each Shabbat date is $54 to sponsor.  Please provide the name of the person you are honoring or remembering for your sponsorship.


___  Claire & Jerry Miller Capital Fund   
Used for capital improvements to our building and grounds.

___  Kay Swerdlow Building Endowment:    
The interest is used for structural maintenance to our building and grounds.

___  Safety and Security Fund:
Helps to offset the necessary costs of providing a safe and secure environment for our congregation and may include physical enhancements or hired security professionals.

___  Senior Endowment:
Supports the maintenance of our building


___  Bruce Birnbaum Tikkun Olam Fund:  
Supports community service projects.

___ Becky and Jimmy Levy Food Security Fund:
To provide food, meals and related items to be used for food insecurity initiatives.

___  Food Bank Fund:  
Provides food and supermarket gift cards to individuals in need.

___  Sharing is Caring Fund:  
Provides emergency funds for individuals with crisis need for housing, food or payment of utilities.

___  Stan Averbach Biblical Garden Fund:  
To maintain and enhance our beautiful outdoor biblical garden.




___  Brick:  (donation of $180.00)
Engrave a brick with a permanent honor or memorial in our beautiful garden walkway.

___  Leaf:  (donation of $200.00)
Add a leaf to our Tree of Life to honor a person or special event, such as a B. Mitzvah, Confirmation, Wedding or a family member.

___  Paver:  (donation of $360.00)
Engrave a brick with a permanent honor or memorial in our beautiful garden walkway.

___  Yahrzeit Plaque:  (donation of $418.00)
The perfect way to honor the memory of your loved one in our sanctuary or chapel.  Each year their name will be highlighted and their memory will be honored during Shabbat services.


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784